Women talk of being groped, burnt by firework, in Cologne’s night of mayhem
Last updated 13:20, January 7 2016 on Women caught up in...
Cologne attacks: Germany now has North Africa’s sex crime troubles
Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker has promised new measures to stop violence...
Trump Unhinges the Establishment
Calling for a moratorium on Muslim immigration “until our country’s representatives...
Woman Calls Islam False Religion, Muslims Show Up To Convince Her Otherwise
**WARNING: Graphic.** A Christian woman recently stuck to her guns after...
Parents Take Action When Ohio School Challenges Students To Submit To Islam
While jihadists despise the Western school system for its tolerance, co-education,...
Grandpa Rapes 2-Year-Old Granddaughter, Muslim Mother Decides To “Fix It”
A Muslim mother awoke one night to her screaming toddler being...
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